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Ladner Lawn Bowling Club History

The First One Hundred Years
Thanks to years of research by a past member, Allen Otter, and the work of Neil McLennan to convert the original document to a digital one, the history of our first one hundred years have been captured. 
Click on the The First One Hundred Years button below to read about our history. You can click on topics in the table of contents to go directly to that page.
In 2009, the membership voted to plan for the installation of a new expanded green with an artificial (carpet) surface.  Motivations for this were low maintenance, no fertilizers nor fungicides, no irrigation, and ease of bowling which would prolong the bowling life of older members.  Over the next three years various projects by the membership were undertaken to raise funds. 
The project involved installing new sidewalks, moving light standards, new water lines, installing a proper drainage system, laser leveling and carpet installation.  Full project cost came to $ 472,995 - approximately 10 %  came from grants and the remainder from the membership (which numbered just under 90 annually ).  A fantastic group of generous people dedicated to hard work led to the dream of the little club that could - and did.
Video of Carpet Replacement 2023
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